
SadhanaOriental Meditation and Christian Prayer

Prayer with fantasy

 [1] Prayer using imagination: power and blessing
 [2] Dandelion, fox, and cherry – Imagination training –
 [3] Imagining a scene in the Gospel and meet Jesus - 1
 [4]“Intercessory prayer” for friends –using imagination-
 [5] The Model of Applying Jesus’ Name in Prayer (B)
 [6] Talking with Jesus who sits in a chair
 [7] Imagining a scene of the Gospel and meet Jesus - 2
 [8] Jesus comes in history of my life - 1
 [9] Art Museum
 [10] Your Funeral 
 [11] The  Celebration 
 [12] Hearing the name of Jesus in sound in your imagination
 [13] Jesus comes in history of my life – 2
 [14] Contemplating on a scene in the Bible
    led by St. Ignatius-1A(Incarnation 1)
 [15] Contemplating on a scene in the Bible
    led by St. Ignatius-1B (Incarnation 2)
 [16] Contemplating on a scene in the Bible
    led by St. Ignatius-2 (Nativity)
 [17] Contemplating on a scene in the Bible
    led by St. Ignatius-3 (Passion)
 [18] Contemplating on a scene in the Bible
    led by St. Ignatius-4 (Resurrection)
 [19] A torch that lights inmost depth of our heart 
 [20] Jesus comes in history of my life - 3 
 [21] Life: the true value of it
 [22]Imagining a scene of the Gospel and
    meeting Jesus – 4 (woman with ointment)
 [23]Improving awkward relationships 
 [24]Meditation to “share the blessings of
    redemption in Christ” by Fr. De Mello
 [25]For further learning (1)
     – Precious image of Jesus
 [26]Prayer to receive seven blessings from God -1
 [27]Prayer to receive seven blessings from God -2
 [28] Prayer to receive seven blessings from God – 3 
 [29] The Awakening
 [30] Imagining a scene in the Gospel and
    meet Jesus – 5 (Jesus washes disciples’ feet)
 [31] Talking to Jesus in our heart, using the image
    of the icon of Our Lady of the Sign
  (A model of applying Jesus’ Name in Prayer)