
SadhanaOriental Meditation and Christian Prayer

Prayer with fantasy

[27] Prayer to receive seven blessings from God – 2

 In the last session, we sought God’s love, justice, and power, linking them to our heart, belly button, and lower abdomen, respectively.  In this session, we will seek God’s love (continued from the last session), God’s words, and God’s wisdom.
As a preparation, let’s observe the sensation of each part of our body for 10 minutes.
 When we are ready, let’s try to see with our imaginative eyes that a candle of love is kindled in our heart.  Look at the color of the candle fire and the light from it.  This light from the candle expands and fills our heart.  It continues expanding throughout our body.  It further expands and fills the room we are in, the entire earth, and the universe.  It is the light of love.  Let’s stay wrapped in this light of love from God.  And pray that love will increase in us.
 After we seek that love expands, let’s seek God’s words as a second step.  A candle is kindled in our throat.  This is the candle of God’s words.  Let’s observe the color of the light.  What color is it?  (In author’s case, it is green.)
 The light expands throughout our throat.  It further expands throughout our body.  It flows out of our body and fills the entire room.  It further expands throughout the earth, and the universe.  Let’s stay wrapped in the light.  And pray that we can fully receive God’s words.  By repeating this prayer, God’s words will be engraved more profoundly in our intelligence and memory.  And they will erase our abusive words, lies, criticisms, insults, arrogant words, words of frustration, and dirty words.
 As a third step, let’s see that a candle is kindled on our forehead (especially between the eyebrows).  What color is it?  (In author’s case, it is bright blue.)  This light of the candle expands and fills the area between the eyebrows.  It further expands throughout our body.  It flows out of our body, and fills the entire room.  It eventually fills the entire earth, and the universe.
 Let’s stay wrapped in the light of God’s wisdom, hoping that wisdom from God becomes a part of us more profoundly.  In this hope, the light erases uncertainties, disbelief, doubts, decadent thoughts, unhealthy thoughts, etc. in us.
 After praying for about 30 minutes including the preparation time, conclude this session by singing a hymn (Tenrei Seika (Japanese liturgical hymn book) #44 “God’s words,” for example).

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