
SadhanaOriental Meditation and Christian Prayer

Prayer with fantasy

[28] Prayer to receive seven blessings from God – 3

 Let’s continue seeking God’s love, life, and benediction through the same form of prayer as we did in the previous section. Let’s also combine the prayers in No. 26 and 27.
We make preparations as described in the previous section.

 Like we did in the previous section, we imagine, with the power of visual imagination, that light is kindled in our chest.
Candle of love emits light in a beautiful color. The light fills up our chest, our whole body, the entire room, the earth, and the universe. Let’s fully observe it. The light adds God’s love to our heart.
 After seeking the love expands, we observe that God’s life emits light in the tailbone. What color is it? (In author’s case, it’s orange.) The light spreads from the tailbone to our head, chest, and abdomen. Carefully observe that it fills up our body. The light flows out of our body and fills the room we are in. It fills the entire earth and expands to the universe.
 Let’s stay wrapped in this light of life from God for a while, and pray that the life from God enriches in us.
 This light erases our boredom, resignation, crushed heart, depression, self-hatred, and self-punishment.
 As a third step, we see that a candle is kindled on top of our head. It is the light of God’s benediction. What color is it? (In author’s case, it’s white). The light of God’s benediction enters the head and expands to the throat, chest, stomach, and lower abdomen. Thus, the light of God’s benediction fills up our body. The light of God’s benediction flows out of our body and fills the room we are in. It wraps the entire earth, and extends to the universe.
 This light makes us more valuable existence. We become more significant. We are made children of God. Under the light, let’s continue hoping for God’s benediction. By receiving the light, God’s benediction spreads in us. And it eliminates the sense of alienation and helplessness, feeling that we do not fit in anywhere, sense of unhappiness, and twisted view of the world.
 As a conclusion, let’s combine the prayers we learned in No.26 and 27. The light of God’s love, wisdom, words, justice, power, and life circulates through our body. Love of God, which was kindled in our chest, moves to our throat and becomes the light of God’s words. The light of God’s words moves to the back of our forehead between eyebrows and becomes the light of God’s wisdom, which moves to our belly button and becomes the light of God’s justice. It further moves to the lower abdomen and becomes the light of God’s power. It moves to the tailbone and becomes the light of God’s life. It moves to the top of our head and becomes the light of God’s benediction.
 Meditate carefully that each one of these lights in seven colors originating in different parts of our body strengthens and rejuvenates us. Through meditation, continue praying that we can receive each blessing abundantly.


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